
2021年9月30日—...mydlink雲錄影免費方案,影像會加密儲存在mydlinkCloud伺服器,可供3台裝置回放與下載1天內的影像。mydlinkCloud通過6種語言的全球TRUSTe的隱私認證 ...,WithmydlinkCloudRecordingyoucansaveallyourclipstothecloudandviewanywhere,anytime.There'samydlinkCloudRecordingplantosuittheneedsof ...,,Recordvideotoyoursecuredmydlink™cloudaccounteverytimemotionorsoundisdetected.Sharevideoswithfriends,...


2021年9月30日 — ... mydlink雲錄影免費方案,影像會加密儲存在mydlink Cloud伺服器,可供3台裝置回放與下載1天內的影像。mydlink Cloud通過6種語言的全球TRUSTe的隱私認證 ...

mydlink Cloud Recording

With mydlink Cloud Recording you can save all your clips to the cloud and view anywhere, anytime. There's a mydlink Cloud Recording plan to suit the needs of ...

mydlink™ Video Cloud Recording

Record video to your secured mydlink™ cloud account every time motion or sound is detected. Share videos with friends, family, or the police.


With mydlink cloud services, setup is finally a snap. Once you sign up for an account, you can add devices with the mobile apps and take advantage of a series ...

Sign in

Not Registered yet? To get started with mydlink cloud services, you need to have a mydlink-enabled product. Learn more about supported products here.


我要如何註冊D-Link 帳戶? 7.我要如何安裝支援mydlink 功能的Cloud Camera? 8.安裝mydlink 攝影機時,無法安裝Active X. 9.我要如何設定攝影機的無線設定? 10.如果我 ...


若要開始使用mydlink 雲端服務,您必須擁有支援mydlink 功能的產品。 深入瞭解支援的產品這裡. 請依照下面的步驟來註冊您的支援mydlink 功能的產品,並存取 ...


現在雲端不再是讓人摸不著頭腦而且經常毫無意義的字眼,它讓您可以在任意處觀看雲端攝影機(Cloud Camera)、從行動裝置中存取您的雲端儲存裝置(Cloud Storage) 檔案,並使用 ...